7 definite ways to Untangle your mind

Stress can be a killer! It can really throw off the balance between work and life. Life can be stressful even when you are not working! And that’s even worse! If only we try to break away our tryst with stress continuously, we will succeed in it. If you look around, there are many things around you that can help you stay sane and stress-free. What we miss out is that we don’t realise the importance to break away from stress.

Stress is the number one reason for many lifestyle diseases. Too much of stress can make you really sick. When we feel too much mental pressure, we become weaker and more susceptible to infections. Our body uses up more energy and nutrients to cope up with the stress and this result in low immunity levels. Stress also pushes people into unhealthy habits such as drinking, smoking, and eating disorders. But all these could be avoided with a little more effort on your part to stay sane for the sake of yourself.

Check out some amazing stress-busters that really help. These are practical and quite accessible to everyone. Do try one or more of these stress-busters to stay happy and more productive.



Music heals! Listening to music can alleviate a lot of stress. If you like western music, check out this article. It says that listening to the song Weightless can reduce anxiety by up to 65%. The song has been composed in collaboration with neuroscientists and sound therapists, In case you didn’t know, Music therapy is found effective in dealing with many lifestyle diseases such as hypertension and cholesterol. In fact, certain ragas like Todi and Malkauns help reduce Blood Pressure. Here’s a list of ragas to listen to if you love Indian classical music. If you can practice music, it will help even better.



Hobbies like knitting and reading can help calm a stressed mind. Knitting, particularly, is proven to be a great de-stressor. Gardening is another amazing hobby that keeps you physically active, keeps your environment green and also helps unwind. Dance also helps reduce stress and keeps you physically and mentally fit. If you can write, I strongly suggest you keep a journal. It seriously helps to reduce the stress. When you pour out your heart, it helps reduce the hard feelings. It is like emptying your mind of all negative feelings so that it is ready to fill up with positivity.

Sports and Exercise


Though I keep claiming that I have no time for exercise, I know how it helps. When I used to go to the gym regularly, I used to spend more than an hour lifting weights and doing cardio. These helped me calm down significantly as that time was also the most stressful time in my life. Indulging in physically active sports is another great way to sweat out your stress. There is a science behind how active sports and exercise help de-stress. Physical activities stimulate the neurotransmitters called Endorphins. They are the feel-good chemicals in our body that decrease pain and keep us happy.

Meditation / Yoga


Yoga can seriously help calm your mind. Meditation and Yoga have been used by people across the world as great stress-busters because they work. Pranayama helps relax by enriching our lungs and blood with fresh oxygen and expelling the carbon dioxide and other toxins efficiently. Deep breathing has proven to improve the nervous system significantly. It can also help reduce anxiety, hypertension, and depression & improve our concentration and productivity.



Everyone deserves a holiday. If you cannot afford a high-profile holiday destination, just go for a long drive with friends or family. Take a break during the weekend to visit an old friend or relative. Spend an evening strolling in a beach nearby. Go for a ‘me’ holiday, that can also help unwind.



Yes, Pets can help you stay away from stress. They always grab your attention and need your affection. This slowly takes away your attention from something that’s bothering your mind to your pet that’s seeking more attention. If you can afford, keep a pet. It helps you stay away from stress.

Chew a Gum

Seriously, Yes! Chewing gum helps reduce stress. It is definitely better than smoking or drinking.

If you want quick relief from stress and are not inclined towards any of the points mentioned above, grab a piece of dark chocolate and munch on it. Original dark chocolate is bitter and contains a lot of antioxidants. This help reduces stress a lot. Now you know why women love chocolates? Well, almost everyone!

Whatever you do, make sure that you take some step to unplug and unwind yourself every day. It not only helps your mental health but also helps to stay away from allergies and infections. Keep company with positive people, and spread a smile. Even if you have to fake the smile initially, it will grow within you and you will feel much better. Try it out! And don’t hesitate to cry. Crying will also help you unwind. It will help you empty the negative feelings you hold inside. Don’t hold any grudge; it will rot inside of you.


Throw away all negative feelings and stay positive to keep away from stress. Be ready to face everything with a smile. You will find that life is much lighter and delightful.

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